Rope Access

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CMC Rescue CSR2 Pulleys

CMC Rescue CSR2 Pulleys

$ 834.00 – $ 1,390.00

Rope Access is an efficient and cost-effective solution for working at height in a variety of industries, from construction and maintenance to rescue and industrial rope access. We offer a range of rope access equipment to ensure the safety of your workers and to make their job easier.

Our Ascenders and Descenders provide a secure and controlled ascent and descent, while our high-quality Kernmantle ropes offer strength and durability. Additionally, our Fall Arresters and Pulleys provide a secure connection between the worker and the anchor point, ensuring their safety while working at height.

Our range of rigging plates and other accessories from leading brands including Skylotec, Climbing Technology, ISC Wales, and CMC Rescue offer the tools necessary to set up a secure and efficient rope access system. Whether you're a professional rope access technician or need a solution for working at height in an industrial or construction setting, our height safety rope access equipment has got you covered.